為了緩解寶寶出牙期的牙齦疼痛,法國 Main Sauvage 設計了這款優雅而簡單的小狗牙膠。牙膠上方的狗狗是令人難以置信的柔軟並發出甜美的鈴鐺聲。非常適合寶寶的小手握住,或當作精美的禮物。
– FSC 認證楓木 (握手部位)
- 裡面響鈴可刺激聽力
– 100% 幼羊駝毛手工編織
– 低過敏和抗菌材料
- 無染料:天然羊駝色
尺寸:約 13 CM(5 英寸)
CE 認證 - 寶寶出生就適合使用
Main Sauvage 所有的毛絨玩具均採用純幼羊駝毛製成,這是一種可再生、高度生態的天然纖維。 羊毛來自位於玻利維亞安第斯山脈的一家紡紗廠,由小型飼養員提供。 Main Sauvage 盡可能多地使用羊駝的自然顏色:白色、黑色、灰色和棕色。 所有其他顏色均採用環保、無毒染料製成。
可在 30°C 的精緻洗滌模式下機洗毛絨玩具。
我們建議您盡可能地用手洗,在冷水中,使用溫和的清潔劑(如嬰兒洗髮水)。 浸泡幾分鐘,輕輕揉搓並沖洗乾淨。 小心去除多餘的水,避免任何擰乾或扭曲。 平放於乾燥平台上,讓其自然乾燥,不可烘乾 。
存放前,請確保您的毛絨玩具完全乾燥。 將其與乾薰衣草香袋一起存放,以防飛蛾。 雪松木屑也可用於驅除昆蟲和有害生物。
To relieve baby’s sore gums during the teething phase, we imagined this elegant and simple puppy teether. The little ones enjoy its incredible softness and the sweet sound of its bell. Perfect for tiny hands, it makes a beautiful gift.
– FSC certified maple wooden ring
– Bell inside to stimulate the hearing
– Hand knitted in 100% Baby Alpaca wool
– Hypoallergenic and antibacterial material
– Dye-free: natural alpaca colours
Size: approximately 13 cm (5″)
CE-Certified. Suitable from birth
All our soft toys are made in pure Baby Alpaca wool, a renewable, highly ecological natural fibre. They are stuffed with recycled plastic bottles fibres. The wool comes from a spinning mill located in the Bolivian Andes, which is supplied by small breeders. We use as much as possible the natural colours of alpaca: white, black, shades of grey and brown. All our other colours are made with eco-friendly, non toxic dyes.
You can machine wash you soft toy at 30°C on delicate cycle. However, we recommend you to wash it by hand as often as possible, in cold water, with a gentle detergent like baby shampoo. Soak for few minutes, gently rub and rinse. Remove excess water carefully, avoiding any wringing or twisting. Reshape, lay fly on a dry towel and allow it to dry naturally.
Before storing, make sure that your soft toy is fully dry. Store it with a dried lavender sachet, to keep moths away. Cedar wood chips are also useful to repel insects and harmful organisms.